Biblical Preaching for the Church with the Church
Faithful preaching thrives in biblically-rooted community. We exist to surround you with practical help and encouragement from like-minded preachers and guidance from trusted and seasoned practitioners.
Workshops Tailored for Your Growth
Four regional workshops and two on-campus events each year to gain insights and work together with fellow preachers.
Weekly Articles & Sermon Highlights
Curated content with commentary designed to assist you in discovering resources and insights on preaching.
Podcast for Preachers by Preachers
Weekly conversations with seasoned preachers and practitioners for growth and encouragement in the preaching task.
Sermon Guides for Faithful Preaching
Practical guides to assist you in preaching Christ-centered, joy-filled sermons through books of the Bible.

Next Workshop
North Dallas: Preaching Tough Texts
February 24, 2025
Preaching the whole counsel of God includes preaching passages that may present varying difficulties to many of our church members—and to some preachers. How do we apply imprecatory psalms today? How do we help our people handle OT curses and confusing legal restrictions? This workshop will aim to give practical insight into “tough text” sermon preparation and delivery for our cultural moment today.
Articles For Preachers
Weekly Articles for Preachers
No preacher is ever too encouraged. The Preaching & Preachers community exists to come alongside pastors on a weekly basis by providing practical and devotional preaching content for personal benefit and ministry enrichment.
Preaching Guides
Guides for Practical Instruction
Don’t prepare for your next sermon alone. Written by pastors and for pastors, Preaching Guides are aimed at equipping local church preachers with practical resources to serve them in their preaching preparation.

Featured Sermons
His Unequaled Birth
On the heels of the Christmas season, hear from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers as he preached from Luke 1:30–38; 2:8–14 about the authentic reality of the virgin birth.
The Darkest Psalm
The late Tim Keller preaches from one of the hardest and most raw prayers in Scripture—that of Heman in Psalm 88—to help hearers know that the God of the Bible remains our source of hope when our circumstances bring us to the valleys of desperation.